A Message from the Dean

Here at HBBC&S, we desire to give our students a top-notch education and prepare them to apply their education practically and personally in the ministry to which God has called them. The book of James tells us to be doers of the Word and not just hearers only (James 1:22). Our goal is to help our students to become doers through sound theological training so they correctly understand and can teach others the Word of God.

The foundation upon which we build is critical for success. Our faculty and staff are ministry-minded people who have spent their lives studying and applying the Word of God. They teach correct doctrine and show students the correct application of the Scriptures to help them be better prepared for the ministry (Titus 1:9).

We are living in an age where traditional Christianity is difficult to find. Good churches are falling to the world’s philosophy and methods. Good institutions are compromising on historic truths. We desire to educate our students to be prepared for the return of our LORD Jesus Christ. Would to God that He would find our graduates’ ministries faithful to Him and His Word!